Los sueños de la luz / Les rêves de la lumière
Curated by Marisol Rodríguez 21 Septembre 2024 - 18 Janvier 2025 Mexico City Mariane Ibrahim a le plaisir de présenter Los sueños de la luz / Les rêves de la lumière , une exposition dont le commissariat est assuré par Marisol Rodríguez et qui présente les œuvres de Djabril Boukhenaïssi (1993), Marcella Barceló (1992), Camille Fischer (1984), Alexandre Lenoir (1992), Johanna Mirabel (1991)... Lire plus -
The Ocean is the Axis
Curated by Igor Simões 1 Juin - 14 Septembre 2024 Mexico City Mariane Ibrahim is pleased to announce, The Ocean is the Axis, a group exhibition curated by Igor Simões presenting work by Agrade Camíz, Rebeca Carapiá, Lidia Lisbôa, No Martins, Dalton Paula and Rubem Valentim. The concept of an axis, like the ocean, defines a central line around which movement occurs. Embracing... Lire plus -
Amoako Boafo
The one that got away 7 Février - 4 Mai 2024 Mexico City Mariane Ibrahim is pleased to present the first solo exhibition in Mexico City of new work by Amoako Boafo entitled The one that got away. The show will be on view from February 7th and run through May 4, 2024, marking the artist's first show in Mexico and the third... Lire plus -
Ayana V. Jackson
Invisible Threads are the Strongest Ties 6 Octobre 2023 - 13 Janvier 2024 Mexico City Mariane Ibrahim is pleased to present Invisible Threads are the Strongest Ties , a compelling survey exhibition into the artistic journey of Ayana V. Jackson over the past decade and marks the artist’s first major exhibition in Mexico . The exhibition features a selection of photographs from various series... Lire plus -
Eva Jospin
Folies 23 Mai - 9 Septembre 2023 Mexico City Eva Jospin est une artiste française connue pour son approche unique de la sculpture. Les paysages raffinés et complexes qu’elle crée à partir de carton explorent la relation entre nature et culture tout en questionnant nos perceptions de la matérialité. Folies, l’exposition inaugurale de l’artiste avec la galerie et la... Lire plus -
Clotilde Jiménez
La Memoria del Agua 8 Février - 29 Avril 2023 Mexico City Mariane Ibrahim is pleased to inaugurate the Mexico City gallery with a solo exhibition by Clotilde Jiménez, La Memoria del Agua. The show will be on view from February 8 – April 29, 2023. La Memoria del Agua, the artist's third solo exhibition at Mariane Ibrahim and his first in... Lire plus -
Un Abrazo
Group Exhibition 8 Février - 29 Avril 2023 Mexico City The inaugural group exhibition, Un Abrazo, features new work uniting a selection of represented artists. The exhibition explores the new possibilities of immersion, culture, and sensation that Mexico City represents for their future, and the gallery’s. Though separated by geography, cultural differences and barriers, the artists have an unwavering shared... Lire plus