The Armory Show

Javits Center, 6 - 8 Septembre 2024 
BOOTH #304

Mariane Ibrahim is pleased to present, for the 2024 presentation of The Armory Show, a selection of works by Yukimasa Ida in Booth #304. 


This presentation follows his most recent, and first, major solo museum exhibitions in Japan at Yonago City Museum of Art and Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art in 2023.  With his work Ida creates a specific approach of distorted figuration that successfully balances its formal ambiguity with a sense conceptual singularity focused on exploring the subtleties of existence. As a result, Yukimasa Ida takes the viewer on a journey between the borders of the abstract, the representational, the natural, the nostalgia of trying to capture the unrepeatable nature of a moment, and the impact of the colour and materiality of his work.