Carmen Neely
Chicago Reader

Kaylen Ralph, Chicago Reader, Septiembre 16, 2022

Artist Carmen Neely and gallerist Mariane Ibrahim found community in ChicagO

Journalist Kaylen Ralph visited Paris gallery's space in January 2022 and found inspiration in the work of artist Carmen Neely  while profiling gallerist and art dealer Mariane Ibrahim. The artist's paintings were included in the Paris gallery’s dual exhibition of her large-scale abstract paintings alongside artist Ferrari Sheppard’s figuration works.
“I had known about her gallery and sort of been following what she was doing, but it wasn’t even necessarily that I moved to Chicago for that to happen. I just felt pulled towards [Chicago] . . . in some weird universal way I was also pulled to the gallery.  I think everything that’s happened has been part of that sort of invisible attraction, because it has all felt so—sort of—seamless, and the fit feels so natural, and it’s been easily supportive and not just from [Ibrahim] and the gallery, but from the community in Chicago. Now I’ve been here for two years.” Carmen Neely
Neely’s first gallery solo exhibition will take place in Chicago at the Mariane Ibrahim Gallery during Spring/Summer 2023.